Amniotic Membrane Graft (AMG) in Selma, TX

Human eyes have an extremely fast healing mechanism. A simple scratch on the cornea, or the front-most layer of the eye, can heal within a day. But if the scratch is relatively large, it may take longer to heal using conventional methods to repair the cells. The cornea layers can also form multiple scratch-like scabs from severely dry eyes. Severe infections can also damage multiple layers of the cornea if not treated appropriately.

What Is AMG?

In all these instances, a revolutionary biological tissue called an amniotic membrane graft (AMG) can allow the eye to heal faster and more efficiently while minimizing scarring. This tissue is derived from the amniotic sac from the uterus of a pregnant woman, which has amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-scarring, and healing capabilities on the eye surface.

The amniotic membrane contains natural growth factors and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in the healing process of various eye conditions, such as corneal ulcers, burns, and dry eye syndrome.

Your medical insurance may cover the procedure if medically necessary. If your eyes are constantly in pain, irritated, or severely dry, and have tried different treatments in the past with no avail, contact our office today for an AMG evaluation!

Our experienced optometrists will carefully evaluate your eye health and determine if an amniotic membrane graft is suitable for your condition. They will guide you through the procedure, ensuring your comfort and answering any questions you may have. Visit Optique Eye Care, PLLC in Selma, TX, for comprehensive eye exams and personalized vision care.

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